Metals NZ congratulates Chris Penk MP on his well-deserved appointment as Minister of Small Business and Manufacturing.
New Zealand’s manufacturing footprint has reduced in recent decades, which has impacted on the sector’s ability to employ people and make a greater contribution to GDP. A strong manufacturing sector is vital to the wider economy and to both big and small communities throughout the country.
The new minister has a reputation for hard work and getting things done, making him an excellent fit for the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Metals NZ represents a diverse range of large and medium sized manufacturers who, combined, employ approximately 25,000 people across the country. Our industry is particularly strong in small town New Zealand. and, along with the big headline-grabbing projects, it is the hard work of these companies and communities that will benefit most from new vision and fresh energy at a ministerial level.
Metals NZ would like to offer up its support for the following approaches and initiatives that will help deliver a sustainable and thriving New Zealand manufacturing sector:
1. Improving the understanding and perceptions of manufacturing;
2. Driving greater capital investment in advanced technologies;
3. Embedding circular economy principles in manufacturing.
We look forward to working with the Minister and assisting where possible to ensure a legacy we can all be proud of.