BlueScope demonstrates contribution to sustainable development

The steel industry in New Zealand and the Pacific is a critical contributor to sustainable development and the low-emissions circular economy, and BlueScope is clear about how its playing its part.

BlueScope’s new Sustainability Snapshot for its New Zealand and Pacific Islands (NZPI) operations, which includes Metals New Zealand members New Zealand Steel and Pacific Steel  demonstrates its commitment to producing steel in the most environmentally sustainable and ethical way.

What we really love about this report is that it demonstrates how NZPI is contributing to the four ‘capitals’  of  Treasury’s Living Standards Framework – social, human, natural and financial & physical.

This is a core metric in the New Zealand Sustainable Steel Council certification audit, bringing a critical focus on and measure for a truly sustainable steel industry.

A few glimpses of the Sustainability Snapshot include that NZPI is:

  • Committed to a 12% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 2030/33, for New Zealand Steel iron and steelmaking facilities – based on a 2018 baseline.
  • Supporting 4,000 local jobs and contributing over $600 million per year into the New Zealand economy
  • Offering all employees have access to mental health first aid training led by St Johns New Zealand.
  • Recycles over 98% of the water used by New Zealand Steel on their Glenbrook site from their own processes
  • Certified to the rigorous ISO14001 and Environmental Choice Standards
  • Increased our female participation rate from 11% to 19% from 2017 to 2020
  • Has deep community roots supporting a wide range of initiatives.

Did you know that when you buy $100 worth of steel made in New Zealand, $80 stays in New Zealand. When you buy imported steel, around $5 stays in New Zealand?

BlueScope is a founding member of ResponsibleSteel™, an international organisation established to improve the transparency of steel product supply chains. It is also a worldsteel Sustainability Champion.

View the NZPI Sustainability Snapshot here