Building (Overseas Building Products, Standards, and Certification Schemes) Amendment Bill. Metals NZ submission. 

Those considering the recent Building Amendment Bill must be cognisant of a wide range of different factors as it makes its way through legislative process.  

Within any assessment for potential change there must be a balance struck, one that is as much about precision as it is pragmatism. Achieving this balance requires an understanding of nuance – a crucial perspective that considers equally quality, cost, sustainability, and safety. 

Quite simply, not all steel is created equal. If New Zealand is to consider more imported materials, there must be checks and balances in place to ensure ideal outcomes. As recent cases have proven, ‘affordability’ in the short term can result in considerable costs in the long term. 

Therefore, while Metals NZ is broadly supportive of the Building Amendment Bill, we are aware that considerable support needs to be in place for the bill to be successfully implemented. 

Meeting the unique requirements of our local environment and landscape requires expert understanding of how New Zealand’s buildings can be built efficiently and cost-effectively without compromising structural strength and performance standards. 

Read the submission here