Case Studies

  • Strength and speed for new bridge build

    After a substantial slip destroyed a vital section of State Highway 25A in early 2023, NZTA Waka Kotahi prioritised the construction of a new bridge to reconnect towns on the Coromandel Peninsula. Any response needed to be quickly delivered, and a new 124 metre Taparahi Bridge was confirmed as “the safest to construct and most…

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  • Accelerating research into low-emissions steelmaking

    Media release, 16 February 2022 Wellington UniVentures, New Zealand Steel, Robinson Research Researchers at Robinson Research Institute collaborate with Wellington UniVentures and New Zealand Steel to decarbonise steel. Researchers at the Robinson Research Institute have developed a novel technology which uses hydrogen instead of coal to produce iron and steel, a breakthrough step in New Zealand’s…

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  • New case study shows value of Waikato aluminium industry

    COVID-19 has reaffirmed the value of local manufacturing and highlighted how New Zealand prioritises the health and safety of its people. It has also given us the opportunity to rebuild our economy in a way that addresses climate change and low-value jobs. Flying under the radar are metals industries in our regions that are already…

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