
  • Manufacturing Matters: a blueprint for boosting manufacturing’s role in economic recovery

    The New Zealand Manufacturing Alliance, of which Metals New Zealand is a member, has today released is Manufacturing Matters report – a comprehensive blueprint for working with government to strengthen manufacturing capability and reduce trade barriers to support the nation’s post-pandemic economic recovery. The report, which was completed in February 2020,  includes a range of…

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  • New government procurement rules a big step forward

    We congratulate government on the new rules for procurement, a major step forward for the wellbeing of New Zealanders. The Rules of Procurement (4th Edition) came into effect on 1 October 2019 following a period of industry consultation. They mandate how government agencies should procure products and services. The rules bring a focus on broader…

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  • Why we don’t support the Public Interest test

    Metals New Zealand has made a submission on MBIE’s proposed Trade (Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties) Act 1988: Applying the Public Interest test. We do not support the Public Interest test for a range of reasons outlined in our submission – but most significantly, it oversimplifies economic effects and does not measure down-stream effects on other…

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  • Metals journey to zero carbon

    New Zealand is on a journey to low emissions because it’s the right thing to do for future generations.  New Zealand also wants to build resilience to the impacts of climate change, to reduce waste, lessen our impact on the environment and sustain and enhance our economic and social wellbeing. This comment piece ran in the…

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  • Building consent reform needed

    We are very pleased the Government has started work on reforms to improve New Zealand’s building and construction sector. We support  Government’s goals to achieve: 1) safe & durable buildings; 2) an efficient regulatory system that people have confidence in and; 3) a high performing building sector that builds it right first time. But, we’ve…

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  • Pathways to safer, sustainable buildings

    There is no denying that buildings can and must become greener as we transition to a low-carbon climate resilient future. But the solution is far more complex than a recent comment piece ‘Why more buildings should be made of wood’, republished in the National Business Review from The Economist, would have us believe. The issue…

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  • Finding a better way – the circular economy

    The biggest single industry in New Zealand for waste is building and construction. So, with commercial construction at record levels, residential building consents peaking at 1970’s levels and massive housing shortages combined with anticipated additional demand from Kiwibuild – we must find a better way. The solution is adopting circular economy thinking, not only easing…

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