
  • An industry introduction  

    At the start of 2024, Metals NZ sent an introductory document to the Minister for Building and Construction. The BIM provided further insight into how a coordinated and collaborative effort will ensure New Zealand can achieve a truly sustainable future.    Download the BIM here.

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  • Lifetime carbon true measure of building emissions

    The building industry needs to move away from carbon saving calculations focused on embodied carbon only and instead focus on lifetime carbon emissions for a true representation of emissions. This is part of the response from Metals NZ Chief Executive Rick Osbourne to an apartment developer’s claims of carbon savings from using timber versus concrete…

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  • Consultation opens for draft Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan (ITP)

    Public consultation on the draft Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) opens on 1 June 2022. The ITP is designed to fast track the growth and transformation of Aotearoa New Zealand’s advanced manufacturing sector. The sector already: Employs 10.7 per cent of the workforce (248,400 people) Accounts for 10 per cent of GDP ($24.1 billion)…

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  • It’s tough making predictions, especially about the future

    CEO Rick Osborne updates the Australian steel sector on what’s happening in New Zealand. This piece ran in the December 2021 edition of the Australian Steel News (page 6) The Climate Change Response Act 2002 requires the New Zealand government to publish an emissions reduction plan by 31 May, 2022 setting out how the country…

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  • Metals NZ welcomes our new CEO

    Media release 3 November 2021 Metals New Zealand is pleased to announce the appointment of Rick Osborne as the new Chief Executive. Rick has a track record of executive leadership roles in large, complex organisations including Telecom, Fonterra, Air New Zealand, Fletcher Building and most recently, Head of Commercial and Corporate Affairs, Māori Television. A…

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  • Manufacturers can operate safely in future pandemic

    In this article published in subscriber channel Inside Resources, editor Gavin Evans reports on Metals NZ and Concrete NZ’s presentation to the the transport and infrastructure select committee on 21 October, 2021. The piece discusses how concrete producers and other building suppliers can operate safely during a future pandemic and the Government needs to shift…

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  • Infrastructure for a better future

    The Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga’s proposals to extensively overhaul the way New Zealand’s infrastructure is planned, prioritised and built, is an impressive, comprehensive and thought-provoking document. Aptly titled He Tūāpapa ki te Ora, Infrastructure for a Better Future the discussion document sets a proposed direction for a 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy, which is being developed – covering how…

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  • One big thing: our response to the Climate Change Commission’s draft advice to government

    If there’s one big thing we want the Climate Change Commission (CCC) to understand – it’s that whatever actions the New Zealand government takes, it’s vital that all New Zealand’s trading partners similarly commit to programmes of action to ensure global warming does not achieve 2 degrees. This is the framing for Metals New Zealand…

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  • Supporting tariffs on dumped galvanised wire

    Metals New Zealand strongly supports imposition of tariffs on galvanised wire from specified Chinese plants – as has been identified in the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment’s (MBIE)   Step 2 Investigation PIP Report  on its investigation of dumping of galvanised wire from China as set out in the Trade (Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties) Act…

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  • Briefing our new government

    Election 2020 is over, with a landslide victory for Labour. Now New Zealand awaits the formation of a new government, one that will face some herculean tasks including post-COVID economic recovery, the significant pipeline of infrastructure and construction work and the transition to a low emissions, circular economy. Metals and the wider domestic manufacturing sector…

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