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In this article published in subscriber channel Inside Resources, editor Gavin Evans reports on Metals NZ and Concrete NZ’s presentation to the the transport and infrastructure select committee on 21 October, 2021. The piece discusses how concrete producers and other building suppliers can operate safely during a future pandemic and the Government needs to shift…
The Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga’s proposals to extensively overhaul the way New Zealand’s infrastructure is planned, prioritised and built, is an impressive, comprehensive and thought-provoking document. Aptly titled He Tūāpapa ki te Ora, Infrastructure for a Better Future the discussion document sets a proposed direction for a 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy, which is being developed – covering how…
If there’s one big thing we want the Climate Change Commission (CCC) to understand – it’s that whatever actions the New Zealand government takes, it’s vital that all New Zealand’s trading partners similarly commit to programmes of action to ensure global warming does not achieve 2 degrees. This is the framing for Metals New Zealand…
Metals New Zealand strongly supports imposition of tariffs on galvanised wire from specified Chinese plants – as has been identified in the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment’s (MBIE) Step 2 Investigation PIP Report on its investigation of dumping of galvanised wire from China as set out in the Trade (Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties) Act…
Election 2020 is over, with a landslide victory for Labour. Now New Zealand awaits the formation of a new government, one that will face some herculean tasks including post-COVID economic recovery, the significant pipeline of infrastructure and construction work and the transition to a low emissions, circular economy. Metals and the wider domestic manufacturing sector…
Metals New Zealand supports New Zealand’s commitment to Zero Carbon 2050. We acknowledge that climate change represents the most significant challenge for mankind if we are to keep global temperatures below 1.5 degrees (above pre-industrial levels). Metals New Zealand also supports the intent of MBIE’s proposed Building for Climate Change (BfCC) to help address the…
The steel industry in New Zealand and the Pacific is a critical contributor to sustainable development and the low-emissions circular economy, and BlueScope is clear about how its playing its part. BlueScope’s new Sustainability Snapshot for its New Zealand and Pacific Islands (NZPI) operations, which includes Metals New Zealand members New Zealand Steel and Pacific…
Following on from last year’s round of consultation, the Government in May 2020 introduced its proposed changes to the Building Act. The Building (Building Products and Methods, Modular Components and Other Matters) Amendment Bill, now before the Environment Select Committee, sets out a programme of reforms to lift the efficiency and quality of building work,…
Trade plays a critical role in the New Zealand economy. For the benefits to flow through to all New Zealanders, it should be a two way journey – both exporting our goods to the world and importing what is produced from elsewhere. We’re concerned the balance is out of whack for New Zealand with much…
To successfully transition to a circular and low emissions economy, New Zealand will need to continue to rely on a vibrant metals manufacturing sector. This high-value sector employs more than 29,000 people, primarily in small to medium sized businesses located in regional New Zealand; a major contributor to GDP and delivering across the four capitals…