Manufacturing – a key to rebuilding the economy

It is clear that manufacturing is going to be essential for New Zealand’s economic recovery.

As a sector, manufacturing already fuels the economy, contributing $23 billion of GDP, over 50% of exports, 10% of jobs with a diverse workforce employing more Maori and Pacifica than any other sector, 42% of R&D and is essential to the success of other key sectors of the economy.

Manufacturing can and will fill the void in economic activity left by other sectors that now are suffering the effects of COVID-19.

But manufacturing also faces its own challenges, particularly around productivity. And while digital technologies are changing the face of manufacturing and carry the promise of improving productivity, getting the investment for it is hard in the current crisis. Likewise there are some unfair trade practices that are impacting the competitiveness of some of our companies.

However, there are opportunities for growth and prosperity, as outlined in the Manufacturing Matters report, released by the Manufacturing Alliance in May this year and which Metals New Zealand is part of.

The report has attracted significant interest amongst politicians and decision makers as it sets out a programme for the sector and government to work together to address challenges and harness opportunities – particularly now in the context of post COVID-19 economic recovery.

Metals New Zealand CEO Nick Collins and Dieter Adam of The Manufacturers Network have made several online presentations on the report over the last month to different government and industry groups,  calling on government to partner with the sector to develop a Recovery and Growth Strategy for New Zealand’s manufacturing industries.

We are pleased to share the latest presentation made to a group of businesses at the Canterbury Employers Chamber of Commerce

Please find a copy of the presentation here: Manufacturing_Matters_A_key_to_rebuilding_the_NZ_Economy_22jun20

Please find a copy of the audio of the presentation here