• Our views on MBIE’s Building for Climate Change

    Metals New Zealand supports New Zealand’s commitment to Zero Carbon 2050.  We acknowledge that climate change represents the most significant challenge for mankind if we are to keep global temperatures below 1.5 degrees (above pre-industrial levels). Metals New Zealand also supports the intent of MBIE’s proposed Building for Climate Change (BfCC) to help address the…

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  • Waking up to the potential of NZ manufacturing

    In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, our politicians are finally starting to wake up to the importance of local manufacturing businesses to New Zealand’s economy and wellbeing. We’ve seen National establish a first-ever spokesperson for manufacturing and small business and the Government announce plans to work on an industry transformation plan for advanced manufacturing.…

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  • New case study shows value of Waikato aluminium industry

    COVID-19 has reaffirmed the value of local manufacturing and highlighted how New Zealand prioritises the health and safety of its people. It has also given us the opportunity to rebuild our economy in a way that addresses climate change and low-value jobs. Flying under the radar are metals industries in our regions that are already…

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  • BlueScope demonstrates contribution to sustainable development

    The steel industry in New Zealand and the Pacific is a critical contributor to sustainable development and the low-emissions circular economy, and BlueScope is clear about how its playing its part. BlueScope’s new Sustainability Snapshot for its New Zealand and Pacific Islands (NZPI) operations, which includes Metals New Zealand members New Zealand Steel and Pacific…

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  • Gaps in Building Act changes

    Following on from last year’s round of consultation, the Government in May 2020 introduced its proposed changes to the Building Act. The Building (Building Products and Methods, Modular Components and Other Matters) Amendment Bill, now before the Environment Select Committee, sets out a programme of reforms to lift the efficiency and quality of building work,…

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  • Manufacturing – a key to rebuilding the economy

    It is clear that manufacturing is going to be essential for New Zealand’s economic recovery. As a sector, manufacturing already fuels the economy, contributing $23 billion of GDP, over 50% of exports, 10% of jobs with a diverse workforce employing more Maori and Pacifica than any other sector, 42% of R&D and is essential to…

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  • Manufacturing Matters: a blueprint for boosting manufacturing’s role in economic recovery

    The New Zealand Manufacturing Alliance, of which Metals New Zealand is a member, has today released is Manufacturing Matters report – a comprehensive blueprint for working with government to strengthen manufacturing capability and reduce trade barriers to support the nation’s post-pandemic economic recovery. The report, which was completed in February 2020,  includes a range of…

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  • A fair playing field: our submission on the Trade for All report

    Trade plays a critical role in the New Zealand economy. For the benefits to flow through to all New Zealanders, it should be a two way journey – both exporting our goods to the world and importing what is produced from elsewhere. We’re concerned the balance is out of whack for New Zealand with much…

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  • Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading Scheme) Reform Bill: Our case for an equitable framework

    To successfully transition to a circular and low emissions economy, New Zealand will need to continue to rely on  a vibrant metals manufacturing sector. This high-value sector employs more than 29,000 people, primarily in small to medium sized businesses located in regional New Zealand; a major contributor to GDP and delivering across the four capitals…

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  • Members talk about their Environmental Product Declarations

    New Zealand’s metals industry companies are leading the way with their work to address the growing need for sustainability,  natural capital management and reducing climate impacts. We wanted to share this new podcast from HERA, which delves into the work being done by Metals NZ members NZ Steel and Pacific Steel on their Environmental Product…

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